Life at Home

Photography always intrigues me in its ability to catch split second moments. I often find myself shooting in the 1/60th of second range indoors. I enjoy the squeeze around my heart that these split seconds are a sweet glimpse into grand and lengthy times of giggles, cuddles, play, and wonder. My sons are truly a reward in my life.

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    Train Ride to Disneyland

    Those little hands are growing. There’s two more babies in my home than in these photos. I’m way behind on posting my work. Couldn’t be happier with being a daddy. God is oh so good.

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      Strands Beach

      Not much beats beach life in full force. Strands is a beach I grew up on and love that I get to share the same time with my boys as they grow.

      Family portraiture for me has no limitations really, so if you’d like your family photos to consist of trunks and sand holes, or anything in between, I’m in!

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        Dana Point Walk

        I always wish I had more words to share with you when I post, but alas, I’m usually very tired and on the brink of sleep after having filled my day with love for my family through my work, my play, and my rest. God is so good and I straight up love being a husband and father to this wonderful family He’s given to me.

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          Aiden’s First Solids

          This little foodie of ours was absolutely pumped to get his first solids game going. I think he may be half doll or something with that unreal cute face of his.

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